I wouldn't be upset by these 6 minutes, but with what else happened to me with the shuffle it's just another insult to injury. Not only is the description of the shuffle deceptive and straight up wrong, but they also lied about a 2 hour window. Must purchase within the Buying Window or the reservation will be forfeited.' ' If selected, item will be added to your cart. To me this seems to be in direct contradiction with what the website and rules state. I was told that ' Sorry you won shuffle that means your have chance to pourchase it. We will add it into your cart. But that not means we hold item for you. We can not hold item before we charge you.' Apparently being selected in the shuffle does not in any way, shape, or form, give you a reservation for a item/combo. After the 10th or so attempt I decided to contact their support to see what the issue was. Each time I finalized my order I was simply redirected back to my shopping cart where the combo was present. When I tried purchasing ~3:00PM I was unsuccessful. My email came in at 2:06PM PST and then said I had till 4:00PM PST to make my purchase. I entered the shuffle today as I do basically everyday and somehow got 'lucky' enough to be selected.